
Long Moulder Machine

Product code : UŞV-3000 M
Category : Preparation equipment
Labels : Long Moulder Machine
Stock : -
MODEL UŞV-3000 M UŞV-3000 MT UŞV-3000 MTS UŞV-3000 MTC
Moulding Capacity (pieces per hour) 2500
Moulding Weight (gr) 80-1800 80-1200 30-1200 80-1200
Band Width for Moulding (mm) 650 420 420 420
The Number of Rollers (pieces per hour) 4 2 2 2
Dimensions of Machine AxBxC (mm) 2450x900x1430 2450x750x1230 2450x750x1230 1750x750x1230
Weight of Machine (kg) 328 262 230 200
Electrical Power (kw) 1.1
Max. Dough Length (mm) 550 400 400 400
Max. Dough Thickness (mm) 95 70 70 70
Number of Cylinders (Top Chase + Tape Table) 4 + 2 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 + 2
Number of Processing Pillows (Piece) 1 2 1 1